Sunday, May 6, 2007

Mandala Meditation

This is another powerful technique that creates a circle of energy, resulting in a natural centering. There are four stages of 15 minutes each.

First Stage: 15 minutes
With open eyes run on the spot, starting slowly and gradually, getting faster and faster. Bring your knees up as high as possible. Breathing deeply and evenly will move the energy within. Forget the mind and forget the body. Keep going.

Second Stage: 15 minutes
Sit with your eyes closed and mouth open and loose. Gently rotate your body from the belly, like a reed blowing in the wind. Feel the wind blowing you from side to side, back and forth, around and around. This will bring your awakened energies to the navel center.

Third Stage: 15 minutes
Lie on your back, open your eyes and with the head still, rotate them in a clockwise direction. Sweep them fully around in the sockets as if you are following the second hand of a vast clock, but as fast as possible. It is important that the mouth remains open and the jaw relaxed, with the breath soft and even. This will bring centering energies to the third eye.

Fourth Stage: 15 minutes

Close your eyes and be still.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Kundalini Meditation

This meditation lasts for one hour and has four stages, three with music, and the last without.

Kundalini acts like an energetic shower, softly shaking you free of your day and leaving you refreshed and mellow.

First Stage: 15 minutes
Be loose and let your whole body shake, feeling the energies moving up from your feet. Let go everywhere and become the shaking. Your eyes may be open or closed.

“Allow the shaking; don’t do it. Stand silently, feel it coming and when your body starts trembling, help it but don’t do it. Enjoy it, feel blissful about it, allow it, receive it, welcome it, but don’t will it.
“If you force it will become an exercise, a bodily, physical exercise. Then the shaking will be there but just on the surface; it will not penetrate you. You will remain solid, stone-like, rock-like within. You will remain the manipulator, the doer, and the body will just be following. The body is not the question – you are the question.
“When I say shake, I mean your solidity, your rock-like being should shake to the very foundations so that it becomes liquid, fluid, melts, flows. And when the rock-like being becomes liquid, your body will follow. Then there is no shake, only shaking. Then nobody is doing it; it is simply happening. Then the doer is not.” Osho

Second Stage: 15 minutes
Dance, any way you feel, letting the whole body move as it wishes. Again, your eyes can be open or closed.

Third Stage: 15 minutes
Close your eyes and be still, sitting or standing, observing, witnessing, whatever is happening inside and out.

Fourth Stage: 15 minutes
Keeping your eyes closed, lie down and be still.

- A Sunset Meditation
- The Eyes Can Be Close Or Open During The First 2 Steps Of The Meditation, The Rest With Eyes Closed
- 80 % Of The Energy Is Lost Through The Eyes
- To Better Understand Listen To The Discourses About The Dynamic Meditation, There It Is Explained Also The Kundalini Meditation Technique.
- To View Short Videos About These Meditations And Other Info Www.Osho.Com

Gourishankar Meditation

This technique, for the nighttime, consists of four stages of fifteen minutes each. The first two stages are preparation for the spontaneous Latihan of the third stage. If the breathing is done correctly in the first stage, the carbon dioxide formed in the bloodstream will make you feel as high as Gourishankar (Mt. Everest).

First Stage: 15 minutes

Sit with closed eyes. Inhale deeply through the nose, filling the lungs. Hold the breath for as long as possible; then exhale gently through the mouth, and keep the lungs empty for as long as possible. Continue this breathing cycle throughout this stage.

Second Stage: 15 minutes

Return to normal breathing and with a gentle gaze look at a candle flame or a flashing blue light. Keep your body still.

Third Stage: 15 minutes

With closed eyes, stand up and let your body be loose and receptive. Allow your body to move gently in whichever way it wants. Don't do the moving, just allow it to happen gently and gracefully.

Fourth Stage: 15 minutes

Lie down with closed eyes, silent and still.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Osho Dynamic Meditation

The most active of the Osho techniques, Osho Dynamic Meditation is best done at sunrise. Osho Dynamic Meditation is an individual experience so you should remain oblivious of others around you. If possible, keep your eyes closed throughout, or you can use a blindfold. It is best to have an empty stomach and wear loose, comfortable clothing.
“This is a meditation in which you have to be continuously alert, conscious, aware... Don’t get lost. Observe what is happening as if you are just a spectator, as if the whole thing is happening to somebody else...” – Osho.

First stage: 10 minutes
Breathing rapidly in and out through the nose , concen- trate always on the exhalation. The breath should move deeply into the lungs, and the chest expands with each inhalation. Be as fast as you can in your breathing, making sure breathing stays deep. Do this as totally as you possibly can; without tightening up your body, make sure neck and shoulders stay relaxed. Continue on until you literally become the breathing, allowing breathto be chaotic (that means not in a steady, predictable way). Once your energy is moving, it will begin to move your body. Moving your arms and body in a natural way will help your energy to rise. Feel your energy building up; don't let go during the first stage and never slow down.

Second stage: 10 minutes
Follow your body. Give your body freedom to express whatever is there ... EXPLODE! ... Let your body take over. Let go of everything that needs to be thrown out. Go totally mad... Sing, scream, laugh, shout, cry, jump, shake, dance, kick, and throw yourself around. Hold nothing back, keep your whole body moving. A little acting often helps to get you started. Never allow your mind to interfere with what is happening. Remember to be total with your body.

Third stage: 10 minutes
Leaving your shoulders and neck relaxed, raise both arms as high as you can without locking the elbows. With raised arms, jump up and down shouting the mantra HOO!...HOO!...HOO! as deeply as possible, coming from the bottom of your belly. Each time you land on the flats of your feet (making sure heels touch the ground), let the sound hammer deep into the sex center. Give all you have, exaust yourself completely.

Fourth stage: 15 minutes
Stop! Freeze where you are in whatever position you find yourself. Don’t arrange the body in any way. A cough, a movement, anything will dissipate the energy flow and the effort will be lost. Be a witness to everything that is happening to you.

Fifth stage: 15 minutes
Celebrate!...with music and dance express whatsoever is there. Carry your aliveness with you through-out the day.